It’s Impossible to Do Everything

This summer, I have been preparing for a year of a lot of change.

  • Changing Geometry Curriculum to CPM
  • Changing Algebra 2 curriculum to CPM
  • Changing Algebra 2 to SBG
  • Starting graduate school at UPenn

I have been thinking about these changes non-stop for the past three months. I have gone through multiple days of training for CPM, worked through multiple chapters for each curriculum,  created standards and assessments for Algebra 2, started grad school work, and attended multiple workshops and conferences.  I am now two weeks from the school year officially starting and I’m nervous and uncomfortable. This is extremely unlike me. I love to be busy and jumping right in. It has been great having summer to prepare and get ahead for this year, I feel prepared but oddly not. This year is full of unkowns. The unknown has typically never bothered me. I strive in it. I had no idea what was causing these feelings.

I realized at TMC why I was feeling this way. I was talking to a few friends when I realized that I want to do everything but doing everything is impossible. The idea of not being able to do everything is what makes me nervous and uncomfortable. This year is going to be a lot of change and I am truly excited for that. However, I can’t possibly do everything I want to do.

want to blog about everything. This probably won’t happen. I have about 4 ideas for blog posts just about TMC17 alone but making blogging a priority seems impossible right now.

want to participate in #geomchat #alg2chat #MTBoSNC #MTBoS #ElonEd and every other chat as much as possible. This year I may just lurk.

want to learn and use Desmos computational layer. I still really want to do this.

want to speak at as many conferences as possible (speaking at 2 already) and share as much as I can.

want to bring everything I learned from TMC back to my classroom and use it every day. (I just have SO MANY TMC1THINGS)

I know that during this year, a lot of things I want to do may take a backseat. I know I can’t do everything even if I really want to. It’s impossible.

So instead of thinking about all the things I won’t be able to do this year, I am going to reframe my mindset.

I‘m going to be the best teacher, advisor, coworker, student I can be. 

If the things I want to do fall into this category then awesome. It’s impossible to everything, but I can do the best I can.

-Sorry for rambling-